Report – Evaluation of the Netherlands' Development Programme with Bangladesh 1972-1996

This report presents the findings of the evaluation of the Netherlands bilateral development cooperation with Bangladesh. The main objective of the study was to assess the policy relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the bilateral aid programme for Bangladesh. The study covered some 25 years of development assistance to Bangladesh, i.e. since its Independence in 1971. In this period, a total of Dfl. 2.65 billion has been disbursed to programme and project aid made available through the regular bilateral programme, as well as to aid channelled through co-financing agencies to NGOs. Project aid has been grouped into five sectoral clusters: agriculture, industry, transport, water management and social services, the latter comprising health, education, and drinking water and sanitation. A description of non-aid relations between the Netherlands and Bangladesh is also included in this report. IOB has aimed at the maximum involvement of Bangladeshi aid authorities in the various stages of the evaluation.

The report comprises three volumes. Volume I contains the Summary, Conclusions and Main Findings, and a reaction to the evaluation by the Bangladeshi aid authorities. Volume II constitutes the main report, whilst Volume III contains a detailed description of the evaluation of Netherlands-funded NGOs in Bangladesh on the basis of 15 case studies.