Literature study – European development cooperation with Sub-Saharan Africa

In an annual letter to parliament, the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation informs the House of Representatives about European development cooperation. This European development cooperation has an important place in Dutch development policy. To find out more about the results of this cooperation, IOB commissioned a study by the European Center for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) in collaboration with the Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE).

The research is based on existing sources of material (EU policy documents, reports, EU evaluations, scientific and other literature). It gives a picture of:

  • European development policy as it has developed in recent years.
  • The expenses associated with that policy and where the money has gone to.
  • What we know about the results achieved, particularly in the areas of peace and security, private sector development, agriculture and social development.

It also addresses topics such as gender, budget support, cooperation between the EU and the EU Member States and the added value of European development cooperation.