
141 publications

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  1. Report – Evaluation of Dutch Cooperating Aid Agencies (SHO) Support to Haiti in 2010

    This evaluation, conducted at the request of the Humanitarian Aid Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, covers the SHO ...

    Report | 01-11-2011

  2. Report – The risk of vanishing effects: Impact evaluation of drinking water supply and sanitation programmes in rural Benin

    Report | 01-11-2011

  3. Report – Between high expectations and reality: An evaluation of budget support in Zambia

    Report | 01-11-2011

  4. Report – Policy review of the Dutch contribution to basic education 1999–2009

    This policy review discusses the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ policy on basic education and development cooperation during the ...

    Report | 01-11-2011

  5. Report – Impact evaluation of drinking water supply and sanitation interventions in rural Mozambique

    Drinking water supply and basic sanitation has been a priority for the Netherlands’ development co-operation and for UNICEF for ...

    Report | 01-10-2011

  6. Report – Evaluation of the impact of education policies in Zambia and the role of budget support

    Report | 01-10-2011

  7. Report – Evaluation of Dutch support to basic education in Bolivia (2000-2009)

    The Netherlands has been one of the largest external donors to the Bolivian education sector, with support accumulating to over ...

    Report | 01-08-2011

  8. Report – Evaluation of Netherlands support to primary education in Bangladesh

    The Netherlands provided considerable support to formal and non-formal primary education in Bangladesh in the period 1999-2009. ...

    Report | 01-08-2011

  9. Report – Evaluation of Dutch support to capacity development

    Capacity development has a prominent place in international as well as in Dutch development cooperation. In order to be able to ...

    Report | 12-04-2011

  10. Report – Facilitating resourcefulness: Evaluation of the Dutch support to capacity development

    Report | 12-04-2011