
141 publications

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  1. Report – EU mechanisms that promote policy coherence for development

    The group of Heads of the EU Member States’ development cooperation evaluation services and the European Commission (EUHES) have ...

    Report | 01-01-2005

  2. Report – Poverty, policies and perceptions in Tanzania

    Report | 01-02-2004

  3. Report – Netherlands-FAO Trust Fund Co-operation 1985-2000

    Report | 01-05-2003

  4. Report – Co-ordination and Sector Support. An evaluation of the Netherlands' support to local governance in Uganda 1991-2001

    Report | 06-01-2003

  5. Report – Health, nutrition and population. Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Yemen 1995-1999

    Report | 01-05-2002

  6. Report – Smallholder Dairy Support Programme Tanzania

    Report | 01-11-2001

  7. Report – Review ORET/MILIEV. Assisting developing countries to buy investment goods in the Netherlands

    Report | 11-01-1999

  8. Report – Review of the Netherlands development programme for the Palestinian territories, 1994-1999

    Report | 11-01-1999

  9. Report – Diamonds and coals: Evaluation of the Matra programme of assistance to Central and Eastern Europe, 1994-1997

    Report | 01-01-1999

  10. Report – Co-financing between the Netherlands and the World Bank 1975-1996

    Report | 01-01-1999