
281 publications

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  1. Sub-study – International RBC frameworks for private sector instruments

    The government formulated several guidelines for frameworks of private-sector instruments to promote international responsible ...

    Sub-study | 01-09-2019

  2. Evaluation international RBC policy – Mind the governance gap, map the chain

    The government expects companies to respect principles of responsible business conduct (RBC) laid down in the OECD Guidelines for ...

    Report | 01-09-2019 | IOB

  3. Sub-study – The role of the Netherlands in international RBC initiatives

    What was the contribution of The Netherlands to international agreements and legislation in the field of corporate social ...

    Sub-study | 01-09-2019

  4. Country studies – Results of the international RBC policy in Bangladesh, Colombia, Ethiopia and India

    Bangladesh, Colombia, Ethiopia and India struggle with serious risks for international responsible business conduct (RBC). Four ...

    Sub-study | 01-09-2019

  5. Evaluation of the functioning of strategic partnerships between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and civil society organisations – Strategies for partners: balancing complementarity and autonomy

    Strategic Partnerships (SPs) are an instrument for the cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and civil society ...

    Report | 01-08-2019

  6. Évaluation du fonctionnement des partenariats stratégiques entre le ministère des Affaires étrangères et les organisations de la société civile

    Version française du rapport

    Report | 01-08-2019

  7. Evaluation of the Reconstruction Programme, the Strategic Partnerships Chronic Crises Programme and the Addressing Root Causes Tender Process – Less Pretension, More Realism

    The Reconstruction programme (2012-2015) and the Strategic Partnerships Chronic Crises (SPCC) programme (2014-2016) were two ...

    Report | 01-07-2019 | IOB

  8. IOB Protocol

    The IOB protocol describes IOB's statutory tasks. This document provides an English language summary of the IOB Protocol as ...

    Guideline | 05-06-2019

  9. IOB – Annual Report 2018

    IOB Annual Report 2018

    Annual report | 01-05-2019

  10. Terms of Reference – Evaluation of the Dutch policy with regard to the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy

    The Netherlands and the EU are at a crossroads with respect to the focus of their security and defence policies and are facing ...

    Terms of reference | 18-04-2019