Bas Limonard MA

Bas Limonard MA

Coordinating policy researcher
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Bas Limonard has been working at IOB since 2003. He obtained his master’s degree in political science with a specialization in international relations in 2001. In the period 2001-2003 he worked as a junior researcher at the Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR), contributing to several advisory reports in the field of European cooperation. In 2007/2008 Bas was a part-time research fellow at the European Studies Programme of the Clingendael Institute. In 2020/2021 he was seconded for one year to the Analysis and Research Department of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands as knowledge coordinator for the standing committees for Foreign Affairs and European Affairs.

At IOB, Bas is involved in evaluating various topics of foreign and European policy. He is currently involved in an evaluation in the field of Migration and Development.

IOB Studies

  • Development Approaches to Forced Displacement in the Syria Region

IOB publications

  • IOB (2023).  Trust, risk and learn. Humanitarian Assistance Given by The Netherlands – Funding and Diplomacy 2015-2021.
  • IOB (2019). The Dutch contribution to the European Neighborhood Policy 2011-2017.
  • IOB (2015). Evaluation of the Matra programme in the Eastern Partnership countries 2008-2014.
  • IOB (2014). Strategie bij benadering. Nederlandse coalitievorming en de multi-bi benadering in het kader van de EU-besluitvorming 2008-2012 (‘A strategic approach? Dutch coalition-building and the multi-bi approach in the context of EU decision-making 2009-2012’).
  • IOB (2013). Relaties, resultaten en rendement. Evaluatie van de Benelux Unie-samenwerking vanuit Nederlands perspectief (‘Relations, results and return. Evaluation of the Benelux Union cooperation from the Dutch perspective’).
  • IOB (2011). Regionaal en geïntegreerd beleid? Evaluatie van het Nederlandse beleid met betrekking tot de Westelijke Balkan 2004-2008 (‘Regional and integrated policy? Evaluation of Dutch policy regarding the Western Balkans 2004-2008’).
  • IOB (2009). Beleidsdoorlichting van het Nederlandse exportcontrole- en wapenexportbeleid (‘Review of Dutch export controls and arms export policy’).
  • IOB (2009). Evaluatie van de Atlantische Commissie 2006-2009 (‘Evaluation of the Atlantic Association 2006-2009’).
  • IOB (2008). Be our guests. Beleidsdoorlichting Nederland als gastland van internationale organisaties (‘Policy review of the Netherlands as host country of international organisations’).
  • IOB (2008). Ahead of the Crowd? The process of implementing the Paris Declaration: Case study The Netherlands.
  • IOB (2008). Primus inter pares. Een evaluatie van het Nederlandse EU-voorzitterschap 2004 (‘An Evaluation of the 2004 Dutch EU Presidency’).
  • IOB (2005). Een uitgebreid Europabeleid. Evaluatie van het Nederlandse beleid inzake de toetreding van Midden-Europese landen tot de Europese Unie (1997-2003) (‘A comprehensive Europe policy. Evaluation of the Dutch policy regarding the entry of Central European countries into the European Union (1997-2003’).

Other publications

  • Limonard, B. & J. Stöger (2013). ‘De Benelux Unie naar waarde schatten’ (‘Assessing the value of the Benelux Union’). Internationale Spectator, Vol. 67, no. 6, 52-57.
  • Rood, J. & B. Limonard (2009). ‘De toekomst van de Europese Unie; een reflectie' (‘The future of the European Union: a reflection’). Openbaar bestuur, Vol. 19, no. 2, 26-31.
  • Rood, J., M. van Keulen & B. Limonard (2008). Nederland, de EU en het Verdrag van Lissabon (‘The Netherlands, the EU and the Treaty of Lisbon’). CESP Paper. The Hague: Clingendael – the Netherlands Institute of International Relations.
  • Limonard, B.R. & M. Sie Dhian Ho (2004). Een Grondwet voor Europa; een beoordeling op hoofdpunten' (‘A constitution for Europe: An assessment of the main points’). Juridische Verkenningen, 2004, no. 6, 9-24.
  • Pelkmans, J., M. Sie Dhian Ho & B. Limonard (red.) (2003). Nederland en de Europese grondwet (‘The Netherlands and the European constitution’). WRR Verkenningen no. 1, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.