Caspar Lobbrecht

Caspar Lobbrecht

Senior policy researcher
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Caspar Lobbrecht has been working as a policy research officer at IOB since 2013. His studies focus on issues on the interface of development cooperation and foreign affairs. He also examines the quality of (decentralised) evaluations.

Caspar studied political science at the University of Amsterdam and pursued a research master in international development studies.

IOB studies

  • Periodic review article 4 (in Dutch)

IOB publications

Other publications

A. de Kemp, C. Lobbrecht, R. Ruben, I. Martinez-Zarzoso, F. Nowak-Lehmann Fanzinger & S. Klasen (2014). ‘Profijt van Ontwikkelingshulp’ (‘The benefits of development assistance’). Economisch Statistische Berichten, 2014, no. 99, 441-444.