Paul Westerhof MA

Paul Westerhof MA

Senior policy researcher
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Paul Westerhof joined IOB in 2017. Within the Foreign Affairs cluster, he conducts research in the field of international security. He obtained a bachelor's degree in International Relations and International Organization and a master's degree Middle Eastern studies at the University of Groningen.

IOB studies

  • Dutch contribution to the Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan

IOB publications

  • IOB (2021). Changing Needs – Need for Change: Integrating Responses to Extremist Threats.
  • IOB (2018). Laveren met een vaste koers. Beleidsdoorlichting non-proliferatie, wapenbeheersing en exportcontrole van strategische goederen (‘Navigating with a fixed course. Policy review of non-proliferation, arms control and export control of strategic goods.’)