Current research – Dutch security policies regarding NATO and the EU

This evaluation investigates the Dutch integrated foreign and security policy with regards to the EU and NATO in a changing geopolitical context for the period of 2020-2024.

Traditionally, NATO is considered to be the cornerstone of the Dutch integrated foreign and security policy. Since 1949, the Netherlands therefore heavily relies upon the ‘nuclear umbrella’ and military capacities of NATO, and specifically the US. For a long time, the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) came in second place. However, from roughly 2014 onwards there has been a slow turnaround towards what has now formally become known as an ‘and-and-approach’. Accordingly, Dutch actions are committed to strengthening NATO as well as the EU’s foreign security and defence policy, through which the EU is to strengthen NATO. Considering that safety on the European continent is no longer a given, now is an interesting time for an evaluation of the and-and-approach.

Central question

Which conclusions can be drawn about the effectiveness of the Dutch security policy with regards to NATO, the EU and the improvement of the coherence between NATO and the EU between 2020-2024 and what lessons can be drawn for future policy?


The following building blocks are anticipated for this evaluation:

  1. A policy reconstruction of the Dutch integrated foreign and security policy with regards to NATO and the EU.
  2. An analysis of the Dutch efforts to influence the EU Strategic Compass. 
  3. An analysis of the Dutch efforts to influence the NATO2030 agenda and the NATO strategic concept.
  4. Defence-industry: an analysis of the Dutch objectives and efforts concerning the development of the different instruments for the advancement of the defence industry, and how these efforts relate to the ‘and-and-approach’.
  5. Hybrid threats: an analysis of the Dutch objectives and the choices it has made concerning its efforts towards NATO and the EU on hybrid threads, and how these efforts relate to the ‘and-and-approach’.
  6. Operational: an analysis of the deployment of personnel (military and civilian) and material in missions, operations, trainings and at relevant EU and NATO bodies.



  1. Ready: Exploration
  2. Ready: Terms of Reference adopted
  3. In process: Research in progress
  4. Report adopted
  5. Drafting policy response
  6. Report to parliament