Gender mainstreaming in the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
This report underscores the importance of gender mainstreaming. The question is what has happened since the last publcation about gender mainstreaming in 2015 and what has changed to ensure that gender was effectively mainstreamed and not ‘streamed away’? The urgent need to focus consistently on gender has been reconfirmed by the reported impact of the current Covid-19 pandemic: from job losses to spikes in domestic violence, the effects of the pandemic have hit women the hardest.
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Beleidsreactie — Gender mainstreaming
Het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken biedt middels deze Kamerbrief het rapport Gender Mainstreaming in the Dutch Ministry of ...
Terms of Reference – Review of gender mainstreaming in foreign and development cooperation policy
In these Terms of Refernce IOB outlines its upcoming review of the gender mainstreaming policy in Dutch foreign and development ...