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Image: ©European Union 2014 - European Parliament
Europese vlaggen in Straatsburg

Results — Evaluation of Dutch policy on the Common Security and Defence Policy

Evaluation of Dutch policy towards the Common Security and Defence Policy between 2016 – 2019. This executive summary presents the main findings and recommendations for the Dutch cabinet, relevant ministries and the Dutch parliament.


Icoon van een kompas voor de introductie of achtergrond

In recent years, the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) of the European Union has gained momentum. This pushed to the fore strategic questions and discussions about the future of the CSDP, to which the Netherlands must formulate answers: What role should the EU play in the field of European security and defence? Where is the added value of the EU, and how does it relate to NATO? What civil and military capabilities are needed for these? The Policy and Operations Evaluation Department (IOB) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has therefore carried out an evaluation of Dutch policy on the CSDP.

Key question:

What did the Netherlands want to achieve with the Common Security and Defence Policy; how did it try to achieve this; and what did it achieve at the European level?

Key findings

Icoon van een vergrootglas voor conclusies en bevindingen

Key findings and recommendations for the Dutch cabinet, relevant ministries and the Dutch parliament.