Rens Willems PhD

Rens Willems PhD

Senior policy researcher
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At IOB, Rens Willems works on studies in the areas of security, rule of law, stability, humanitarian aid and counterterrorism. He took his doctorate at Utrecht University for research on security, rule of law and interventions in fragile states. He has conducted research on South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi, among other countries.

IOB studies

IOB publications

Other publications

  • Willems, R.C. & D.K. Deng (2016). Access to Justice: Perceptions of and Experiences with Violent Crime in South Sudan. The Hague/Juba: UPEACE/SSLS.
  • Willems, R. & C. van der Borgh (2016). 'Negotiating security provisioning in a hybrid political order: the case of the Arrow Boys in Western Equatoria, South Sudan'. Conflict, Security & Development. 16(4): 347-364.
  • Willems, R.C. (2015). Security and Hybridity after Armed Conflict. The Dynamics of Security Provision in Post-Civil War States. London/New York: Routledge.
  • Willems, R. and M. Van Leeuwen. (2015). 'Reconciling reintegration: The complexity of economic and social reintegration of ex-combatants in Burundi'. Disasters 39(2).
  • Willems, R.C. (2013). The Dynamics of Security Provision in the Aftermath of War. PhD Thesis. Utrecht University.