
239 publications

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  1. Country case studies – CBI’s Export Coaching Programme in Colombia, Egypt, India and South Africa

    Sub-study | 01-09-2015 | Consultant

  2. Evaluation of the Matra programme in the Eastern Partnership countries

    IOB carried out an evaluation of the Matra programme in the Eastern Partnership countries (2008-2014).

    Report | 01-09-2015 | IOB

  3. Country study – Policy Influencying, Lobbying and Advocacy in Mozambique

    Sub-study | 01-09-2015

  4. Evaluation of support for Policy Influencing, Lobbying and Advocacy (PILA) – Opening doors and unlocking potential

    The report of the IOB evaluation of Dutch support for policy influencing, lobbying and advocacy.

    Report | 01-09-2015 | IOB

  5. Terms of Reference – Evaluation of Technical Assistance for Trade Policy and Regulations

    An evaluation of the technical assistance for trade policy and regulation, financed by the Dutch government between 2007 and ...

    Terms of reference | 01-09-2015

  6. Evaluation of the Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries – Aided trade

    IOB’s evaluation of the work of the Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries (CBI) between 2005 and 2012 ...

    Report | 01-09-2015 | IOB

  7. Terms of Reference – Donor support to combat poverty and inequality in Africa

    Dutch policy on trade and development cooperation focuses on contributing to inclusive economic growth, with the aim of ...

    Terms of reference | 01-09-2015

  8. Exploratory study – The Global Fight Against Impunity

    Sub-study | 01-08-2015 | Consultant

  9. Policy review of Dutch Humanitarian Assistance

    IOB conducted a policy review of Dutch humanitarian aid in the period 2009-2014. The full report was published in Dutch only, ...

    Report | 01-08-2015 | IOB

  10. Sub-study – Impact evaluation of Netherlands supported programmes in the area of Energy and Development Cooperation in Indonesia

    The Promoting Renewable Energy Programme (PREP) aimed to contribute to poverty reduction, gender equality and a reduction of the ...

    Sub-study | 01-08-2015 | Consultant