
277 publications

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  1. Quality criteria for evaluations

    This document presents IOB’s revised and updated (2024) evaluation quality criteria. The 17 criteria serve as a comprehensive ...

    Guideline | 19-09-2024

  2. Terms of Reference – Synthesis study evaluations education programmes

    The Netherlands has for many years supported initiatives in the field of education in developing countries. By doing so, the ...

    Terms of reference | 03-07-2024

  3. Report – Periodic review of international climate policy 2016-2022

    Climate-related challenges are putting pressure on the poorest people in the least-developed countries. They are the most ...

    Policy review | 21-05-2024

  4. Report – Evaluation of Dutch assistance to refugee reception in the Syria region (2016-2021)

    In recent years, the Netherlands has made a substantial financial contribution to the reception of refugees in the Syria region. ...

    Report | 12-03-2024

  5. Annex – Project assessments for Between Prospects and Precarity

    Within the framework of the IOB evaluation ‘ Between Prospects and Precarity’, on Development Approaches to Forced Displacement ...

    Attachment | 11-03-2024

  6. Report – Institutional development: Netherlands support to the water sector 1988-1998

    Report | 01-03-2024

  7. Report – Evaluation of Dutch contribution to sexual and reproductive health and rights

    Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) have been a priority in Dutch international policy for years IOB has evaluated ...

    Report | 07-12-2023

  8. Report – Evaluation of climate change adaptation in water and food security programmes

    The 2015 Paris Agreement emphasises the importance of integrating climate change adaptation into international cooperation. IOB ...

    Report | 29-11-2023

  9. Report – Evaluation of Dutch climate diplomacy 2018-2021

    The Netherlands conducted an international climate diplomacy campaign in the years 2018-2021, in the run-up to the UNFCCC’s ...

    Report | 29-09-2023

  10. Report – Evaluation of Dutch contributions to stability, security and rule of law in fragile and conflict-affected contexts

    Promoting stability, security and rule of law in fragile and conflict-affected contexts is one of the priorities of Dutch foreign ...

    Report | 28-08-2023