
277 publications

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  1. Substudy – Evaluation Trade and investment policy

    IOB has evaluated the international trade and investment policy of the Netherlands for the period 2013-2019. This substudy, ...

    Sub-study | 06-04-2021

  2. Terms of Reference – Systematic Review Youth Employment in developing countries

    The overall aim of the project is to improve youth labour market prospects by broadening the knowledge base on what works in ...

    Terms of reference | 09-03-2021

  3. Literature study – Priorities of Developing Countries in Base Erosion and Profit Shifting

    This literature study by consultant Craig West and commissioned for this evaluation, provided additional information on the ...

    Sub-study | 02-02-2021

  4. SEO Strengthening Tax systems in Developing Countries

    This report summarizes all research conducted by SEO commissioned for this evaluation. As such, it summarizes the literature ...

    Report | 02-02-2021

  5. Country Reports – Strengthening Tax Systems

    Country case studies, commissioned for this evaluation and executed by SEO in Kenya, Ghana and Uganda provided more insight into ...

    Attachment | 02-02-2021

  6. Literature Review by SEO – Evaluation Strengthening Tax Systems in Developing Countries

    This literature study executed by SEO and commissioned for this evaluation, examined available scientific literature that ...

    Report | 02-02-2021

  7. Literature studies – Counterterrorism and Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism

    As part of the evaluation of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Counterterrorism policy, the British Royal United ...

    Sub-study | 01-02-2021 | Consultant

  8. Terms of Reference – Evaluation of the Dutch policy for humanitarian assistance 2015-2021

    IOB has evaluated the Dutch policy for humanitarian assistance. These Terms of Reference (ToR) describe the research process and ...

    Terms of reference | 21-10-2020

  9. Terms of reference - Evaluation Netherlands contribution to stability in fragile contexts

    The central question of the evaluation is: To what extent has the Netherlands contributed to stability and security and rule of ...

    Terms of reference | 05-10-2020

  10. Network analysis - Dutch tax treaties and developing countries

    This sub-study of the IOB evaluation on strengthening tax systems in developing countries examines to what extent Dutch tax ...

    Report | 30-09-2020 | Consultant